GCS Prayer
"Laborare est Orare"
Heavenly Father, Divine Healer, through the intersession of St. Luke, the beloved physician. We, Georgetown physicians and members of the Georgetown Clinical Society pray for. and honor the memory of the Founders of our School of Medicine and our Society. We also highly acknowledge the Faculty and Alumni who have greatly helped to enrich the lives of men and relieve the burden of suffering humanity. We pause to pray of and pay tribute to all the honored physicians who have passed through the hallowed halls of Georgetown. Spurred by their noble example, we petition Heaven for Grace to follow closely in their footsteps in the loyal service of our fellow man. We know well that in serving mankind, we are serving God. May it be our destiny to kneel one day before the throne of the Divine Physician to receive his benediction as those who have served humanity well.
Stephen W. Nealon, Jr.